A manipulator is a kinematic chain of rigid bodies (links) connected by
actuated joints. One end of the kinematic chain is mounted to a base and
the other end to an end-effector (gripper, tool). Joints have two types:
revolute and prismatic, as in Fig.
reference=”c1.fig.joints-types”}. The posture of a manipulator is
described by a number of degrees of freedom (DOFs). Each DOF is
typically associated with a joint variable. Manipulator (forward/direct)
kinematics is to derive the relationship between joint motion and the
motion of the end-effector.
Fig. 29 Description of the position and orientation of the end-effector
With respect to a base frame \(O_{b}-x_{b} y_{b} z_{b}\), the kinematics
is expressed by the homogeneous transformation
where \(\boldsymbol{q}\) is the \((n \times 1)\) vector of joint variables,
\(\{\boldsymbol{n}_{e}, \boldsymbol{s}_{e}, \boldsymbol{a}_{e}\}\) are the
unit vectors of a frame attached to the end-effector, and
\(\boldsymbol{p}_{e}\) is the position of the origin of the end-effector
frame. If the end-effector is a gripper, the origin of the end-effector
frame is located at the center of the gripper, \(\boldsymbol{a}_{e}\) is
chosen in the approach direction to the object, \(\boldsymbol{s}_{e}\) is
chosen normal to \(\boldsymbol{a}_{e}\) in the sliding plane of the jaws,
and \(\boldsymbol{n}_{e}\) is chosen to complete the right-handed rule.
A manipulator chain composes of \(n+1\) links connected by \(n\) joints,
where Link 0 is conventionally fixed to the ground/base. Each joint
variable provides a single DOF. Define a frame attached to each link,
from Link 0 to Link \(n\). Then, the transformation of Frame \(n\) with
respect to Frame 0 is
Computation is recursive by simple products of the homogeneous
transformation matrices \(\boldsymbol{A}_{i}^{i-1}\left(q_{i}\right)\)
(for \(\left.i=1, \ldots, n\right)\), each of which is a function of a
single joint variable. The kinematics describing the pose of the
end-effector frame with respect to the base frame can be obtained as
where \(\boldsymbol{T}_{0}^{b}\) and \(\boldsymbol{T}_{e}^{n}\) are two
(typically) constant homogeneous transformations describing the position
and orientation of Frame 0 with respect to the base frame, and of the
end-effector frame with respect to Frame \(n\), respectively.
Then, the question is: how to select a frame for each link to compute
\(\boldsymbol{A}_{i}^{i-1}\left(q_{i}\right)\)? (The answer is in the next
Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) Convention is to systematically and recursively
define a frame to each link and obtain the transformation between two
consecutive links.
Fig. 31 Denavit-Hartenberg convention and parameters for link Frame
With reference to Fig. 3{reference-type=”ref”
reference=”c1.l2.dh”}, joint \(i\) connects Link \(i-1\) to Link \(i\); DH
convention sets the following rules to define link Frame
\(O_{i}-x_{i} y_{i} z_{i}\), given previous link Frame
\(O_{i-1}-x_{i-1} y_{i-1} z_{i-1}\):
Choose axis \(z_{i}\) along the joint \(i+1\).
Locate the origin \(O_{i}\) at the intersection of axis \(z_{i}\) with
the common normal to axes \(z_{i}\) and \(z_{i-1}\) . Also, locate an
intermediate point \(O_{i^{\prime}}\) at the intersection of the
common normal with axis \(z_{i-1}\).
Choose axis \(x_{i}\) along the common normal to axes \(z_{i-1}\) and
\(z_{i}\) with direction from Joint \(i\) to Joint \(i+1\).
Choose axis \(y_{i}\) to complete a right-handed frame.
Once the link frames are established, the position and orientation of
link Frame \(O_{i}-x_{i} y_{i} z_{i}\) with respect to link Frame
\(O_{i-1}-x_{i-1} y_{i-1} z_{i-1}\) have been determined by the following
four parameters:
\(a_{i}\) distance between \(O_{i}\) and \(O_{i^{\prime}}\) — constant
and depend only on the geometry of links
\(\alpha_{i}\) angle between axes \(z_{i-1}\) and \(z_{i}\) about axis
\(x_{i}\) — constant and depend only on the geometry of links
\(d_{i}\) distance of between \(O_{i-1}\) and \(O_{i^{\prime}}\) along
\(z_{i-1}\) — variable if Joint \(i\) is prismatic, otherwise constant
\(\vartheta_{i}\) angle between axes \(x_{i-1}\) and \(x_{i}\) about axis
\(z_{i-1}\) — variable
To compute \(\boldsymbol{A}_{i}^{i-1}\left(q_{i}\right)\), we go the
following steps. First, translate the Frame
\(O_{i-1}-x_{i-1} y_{i-1} z_{i-1}\) by \(d_{i}\) along axis \(z_{i-1}\) and
rotate it by \(\vartheta_{i}\) about axis \(z_{i-1}\); this leads to the
following transformation of the intermediate Frame \(i^{\prime}\)
Second, translate the intermediate Frame \(i^{\prime}\) by \(a_{i}\) along
axis \(x_{i^{\prime}}\) and rotate it by \(\alpha_{i}\) about axis
\(x_{i^{\prime}}\); this leads to the following transformation and Frame
\(O_{i}-x_{i} y_{i} z_{i}\).
The DH convention gives a nonunique definition of the link frame in the
following cases. (1) For Frame 0, only the direction of axis \(z_{0}\) is
specified; then \(O_{0}\) and \(x_{0}\) can be arbitrarily chosen. (2) For
Frame \(n\), since there is no Joint \(n+1, z_{n}\) is not uniquely defined
while \(x_{n}\) has to be normal to axis \(z_{n-1}\). Typically, Joint \(n\)
is revolute, and thus \(z_{n}\) is to be aligned with the direction of
\(z_{n-1}\). (3) When two consecutive axes intersect, the direction of
\(x_{i}\) is arbitrary. and (4) When Joint \(i\) is prismatic, the direction
of \(z_{i-1}\) is arbitrary. In all such cases, the principle of choosing
frames is to simplify the procedure; for instance, the axes of
consecutive frames can be made parallel.
To summarize, we write the following Algorithm to use DH convention for
a robot manipulator.
Find and number each joint and set the directions of axes
\(z_{0}, \ldots, z_{n-1}\)
Choose Frame \(O_{0}-x_{0} y_{0} z_{0}\). If possible, choose
\(\{\boldsymbol{x}_{0}, \boldsymbol{y}_{0}, \boldsymbol{z}_{0}\}\) to
coincide with the base frame.
Execute steps from 3 for \(i=1, \ldots, n-1\) :
Choose Frame \(O_{i}-x_{i} y_{i} z_{i}\) using the following rules.
First, choose \(O_{i}\) at the intersection of \(z_{i}\) with the common
normal to \(z_{i-1}\) and \(z_{i}\). If \(z_{i-1}\) and \(z_{i}\) are
parallel and Joint \(i\) is revolute, choose \(O_{i}\) so that
\(d_{i}=0\); if Joint \(i\) is prismatic, choose \(O_{i}\) at as a
mechanical limit. Second, choose axis \(x_{i}\) along the common
normal to axes \(z_{i-1}\) and \(z_{i}\) with direction from Joint \(i\)
to Joint \(i+1\), Third, choose axis \(y_{i}\) so as to obtain a
right-handed frame.
To complete:
Choose Frame \(O_{n}-x_{n} y_{n} z_{n}\); if Joint \(n\) is revolute,
then align \(z_{n}\) with \(z_{n-1}\), otherwise, if Joint \(n\) is
prismatic, then choose \(z_{n}\) arbitrarily. choose axis \(x_{n}\)
along the common normal to axes \(z_{n-1}\) and \(z_{n}\).
For \(i=1, \ldots, n\), establish the DH parameter table
\(a_{i}, d_{i}, \alpha_{i}, \vartheta_{i}\), compute the homogeneous
transformation matrices
\(\boldsymbol{A}_{i}^{i-1}\left(q_{i}\right)\), and compute the
homogeneous transformation
\(\boldsymbol{T}_{n}^{0}(\boldsymbol{q})=\boldsymbol{A}_{1}^{0} \ldots \boldsymbol{A}_{n}^{n-1}\)
that yields the pose of Frame \(n\) with respect to Frame 0 .
Given \(\boldsymbol{T}_{0}^{b}\) and \(\boldsymbol{T}_{e}^{n}\), compute
the kinematics function as \(\boldsymbol{T}_{e}^{b}(\boldsymbol{q})=\)\(\boldsymbol{T}_{0}^{b} \boldsymbol{T}_{n}^{0} \boldsymbol{T}_{e}^{n}\).
The manipulator workspace is the space reached by the origin of the
end-effector frame when the manipulator’s joints tasks all allowable
values. The workspace includes reachable workspace and dexterous
workspace. The latter is the space that the origin of the end-effector
frame can reach with different orientations, while the former is the
space that the origin of the end-effector frame can reach with at least
one orientation.
For an \(n\)-DOF manipulator, the reachable workspace is the geometric
locus of the points that can be achieved by considering the direct
kinematics equation for the position part, i.e.,
where \(q_{i m}\left(q_{i M}\right)\) denotes the minimum (maximum) limit
at Joint \(i\). The manipulator workspace (without end-effector) is
reported in the data sheet given by the robot manufacturer in terms of a
top view and a side view.
In a manipulator, if actual mechanical parameters differ from the
nominal value of parameters in data sheet, a deviation arises between
the actual position reached and the position computed via direct
kinematics. Such a deviation is defined accuracy. Accuracy attains
typical values below one millimeter and depends on the structure as well
as on manipulator dimensions. Another parameter that is usually listed
in the performance data sheet of an industrial robot is repeatability
which gives a measure of the manipulator’s ability to return to a
previously reached position. Repeatability depends not only on the
mechanical structure but also on the transducers and controller; it is
expressed in metric units and is typically smaller than accuracy. For
instance, for a manipulator with a maximum reach of \(1.5 \mathrm{~m}\),
accuracy varies from 0.2 to \(1 \mathrm{~mm}\) in the workspace, while
repeatability varies from 0.02 to \(0.2 \mathrm{~mm}\).
A manipulator is termed kinematically redundant when it has a number of
DOFs which is greater than the number of variables that are necessary to
describe a given task. With reference to the above-defined spaces, a
manipulator is intrinsically redundant when the dimension of the
operational space is smaller than the dimension of the joint space
\((m<n)\). Redundancy is, anyhow, a concept relative to the task assigned
to the manipulator; a manipulator can be redundant with respect to a
task and nonredundant with respect to another. Even in the case of
\(m=n\), a manipulator can be functionally redundant when only a number of
\(r\) components of operational space are of concern for the specific
task, with \(r<m\).
Consider again the three-DOF planar arm. If only the endeffector
position (in the plane) is specified, that structure presents a
functional redundancy \((n=m=3, r=2)\); this is lost when also the
end-effector orientation in the plane is specified \((n=m=r=3)\). On the
other hand, a four-DOF planar arm is intrinsically redundant
\((n=4, m=3)\). Yet, take the typical industrial robot with six DOFs; such
manipulator is not intrinsically redundant \((n=m=6)\), but it can become
functionally redundant with regard to the task to execute. Thus, for
instance, in a lasercutting task a functional redundancy will occur
since the end-effector rotation about the approach direction is
irrelevant to completion of the task \((r=5)\).
At this point, a question should arise spontaneously: Why to
intentionally utilize a redundant manipulator? The answer is to
recognize that redundancy can provide the manipulator with dexterity and
versatility in its motion. The typical example is constituted by the
human arm that has seven DOFs: three in the shoulder, one in the elbow
and three in the wrist, without considering the DOFs in the fingers.
This manipulator is intrinsically redundant; in fact, if the base and
the hand position and orientation are both fixed - requiring six DOFs -
the elbow can be moved, thanks to the additional available DOF Then, for
instance, it is possible to avoid obstacles in the workspace. Further,
if a joint of a redundant manipulator reaches its mechanical limit,
there might be other joints that allow execution of the prescribed
end-effector motion.
Fig. 38 Modified DH parameters (or called Craig’s convention). Image from
Some books use modified (proximal) DH parameters [John J. Craig,
Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control (3rd Edition)]. The
difference between the classic (distal) DH parameters and the modified
DH parameters are the locations of the coordinates system attachment to
the links and the order of the performed transformations.
Compared with the classic DH parameters, the coordinates of frame,
\(O_{i-1}\), is put on Joint \(i-1\), not the Joint \(i\) in classic DH
convention;the coordinates of frame, \(O_{i}\), is put on Joint \(i\), not
the Joint \(i+1\) in classic DH convention. Another difference is that
according to the modified convention, the transform matrix is given by
the following order of operations:
One example of using the above modified DH convention is Franka-Emika
Panda robot arm, an increasingly popular robot for research and
teaching. It has 7 joints which make it a redundant robot, that is, it
has more joints than it needs to achieve an arbitrary position and
orientation in the Cartesian workspace.